
Are Snake Plants Toxic to Cats? Full Clarification For Cat Mates

“Are Snake Plants Toxic to Cats?” is a relevant question that pops up when you love plants as well as dogs and cats. Unfortunately, the answer is “yes”. Snake plants (Dracaena trifasciata), likewise known as mother-in-law’s tongue & golden birdhouse. They feature tall, upright emerald leaves with a variety of softer shadings. It is renowned for its minimal maintenance requirements. it is a perfect addition to the household. Despite their attractive look and reputation, they can be hazardous to cats.

Why are snake plants toxic to cats?

Snake plants, appear obnoxious to people; still, they are capable of harming pets such as dogs and cats. Saponin is an organic compound observed in snake plants. It is a protective mechanism that safeguards the plant against herbivores. It tends to bond with lipids. Lipids play a vital role in keeping the intestinal tract and the rest of the organism consistent. When kitties swallow leaves, saponin attaches to lipids on the tissue’s surface. This makes the intestinal tract weaker. Which might lead to digestive issues and affect the absorption of nutrients.

Intoxication via snake plants: indications and consequences

Curiosity can reflect a kitten’s nature, yet safety comes first. Let us resolve the query: are snake plants toxic to cats? The hazards of Saponin vary With the quantity of snake plants absorbed by the kitten. The metabolism and age of the kitty also have a role against this toxicity. It might have mild to tragic consequences. In grave scenarios, it might get absorbed into the bloodstream and trigger hemolysis. Hemolysis refers to the destruction of red blood cells (RBC) This may outcome in anemia. Further indications of consumption by cats might involve:


A little drooling is acceptable in some cats. But excessive salivation might state something strange. Excessive drooling can be caused by irritation to the soft tissues in the throat and mouth. Aside from toxins, cats may also drool due to oral issues.

Weak appetite

Cats may lose interest in eating or refuse to eat as a result of intestinal suffering. Which may result in a loss of walking ability owing to muscle weakness. In fatal cases, it might result in collapse.


Cats could appear weak, exhausted, or bored regarding how they respond to the toxin. Lethargy can be minor (lack of energy) or moderate (activity impacts; creates fatigue). Although dangerous (falling asleep and scarcely moving) rare but possible. In such a particular case, call your local pet veterinarian within the quickest time.


Vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration if not treated appropriately. Symptoms of dehydration include:

  • loss of skin flexibility
  • lethargy
  • sunken eyes
  • weakness
  • decreased urination

These symptoms may lead to other medical issues. That’s why it’s essential to see a veterinarian before taking any sort of step.

Tips for keeping cats safe from snake plants

Uplift the plant

Put the plant somewhere where cats cannot get it. Any hanging bucket or high shelf could serve well. However, keep an eye since they are restless creatures that cross the boundaries set for them.

Spray deterrents

With deterrent sprays, there’s less possibility of driving them away from the plant. They may find the plant less attractive as an outcome. This spray consists of natural ingredients with unpleasant tastes and odors to cats.


Monitoring is a suggested strategy to keep them detached from the plant. Hold an eye on their actions around it or after introducing new plants. If any signs of ingestion show up, consult a doctor immediately.

Consider cat-friendly plants

Try safe plants like Spider Plant, Boston Fern, and Peperomia. This may be a twofer since you can enhance indoor aesthetics while keeping your cat secure.

Training of redirection

Try diverting their attention away from the snake plant and toward another plant or toy as a hobby. Consistently doing this might pique their attention and make your job easier.

Poisonous plants for cats

Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia spp.)

This plant earns recognition under the name ‘Leopard lily. It is a typical houseplant with insoluble crystalline calcium oxalate. If a cat bites on the leaves or stems, it can irritate the mouth and throat. Resulting in drooling, trouble with swallowing, and dizziness.

Lilies (Lilium spp. and Hemerocallis spp.)

Many lilies, including Easter, Tiger, and Asiatic lilies, are extremely hazardous to cats. Ingesting anything from the plant, including foliage may trigger kidney disease in cats. Perhaps resulting in death.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

The nickname “Devil’s Ivy” reflects how deadly this plant could be for pets. Pothos includes calcium oxalate crystals. This can cause mouth irritation, salivation, and vomiting in cats.

Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta)

The seeds found in the sago palm carry cycasin. This toxic substance triggers diarrhea, liver failure, headaches, in severe instances, death. As reported by ASPCA, around 50-75% of sago palm consumption results in deaths!

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum spp.)

Like Pothos and Dieffenbachia, peace lilies also contain particles of calcium oxalate. Consumption by cats can result in vomiting, drooling, and mouth discomfort.

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

The jade plant consists of a compound identified as bufadienolides. If it’s swallowed by cats it can promote vomiting and a slower heart rate.

Safe plants for furry companions

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

There is nothing more charming than a tempting plant that doesn’t contain any toxins. Spider Plant is renowned for its humidity-controlling and air-filtering capabilities.

Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Even in homes with cats, Boston ferns may make a stylish and secure addition to indoor aesthetics. For wellbeing, keep an eye on your cat’s behaviour around it and provide it with the attention it needs.

Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

Among Areca palms the security of cats is acknowledged. It is often known as a Butterfly or Golden Cane palm. Cats might regard it fascinating to have fun with the lengthy fluffy foliage.

Peperomia (Peperomia spp.)

Peperomia plants are noted for having the ability to purify the air. It is a fantastic houseplant with relatively little care required. On top of that, it’s an excellent choice for pet parents.

Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)

This plant is regarded as blessed in Chinese culture, and it can bring good fortune. It is a popular and unique houseplant recognized for its round, coin-shaped leaves. It is non-toxic to pets.

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